Objectives and outcomes
Students gain knowledge and skills in designing and implementing databases using SQL server platform
technologies and the SQL query language. Upon completion of the course, students will know the syntax of
SQL. They will know how to use various user functions and triggers. They will be able to create and
modify databases and tables, as well as to know how to handle keys, write scripts, and work with stored
procedures, functions, views, triggers and transactions.
Database concept. Database systems and models. Data normalisation. Database life cycle. The SQL query
language. Statements for data manipulation, statements for control and management functions,
commands for defining objects in the database. Data integrity, indexes, and query optimisation;
transaction management and concurrency; triggers; database performance and settings; query
processing and execution plans; data security; the backup and recovery of databases; distributed database
Practical classes
The basics of programming in SQL (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE; SQL JOIN operators;
GROUP BY, SUM; SET operators; CREATE, ALTER, DROP). Creating databases and managing databases
and their components. Implementing data integrity. Planning to use indexes. Index creation and
maintenance. Implementing user-defined functions. The design,development and use of stored procedures. Trigger design and implementation. Query performance optimisation. Query analysis. Managing transactions and locks to ensure data concurrency and recovery.