Design and development of web pages

Objectives and outcomes

Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in planning, creating and publishing websites.
Ability to independently plan, develop, optimise and maintain websites. Page layout, colour
scheme, contrast and typography. Creating new web page elements and designing the user interface.
Validation, standardisation and optimisation. New technologies and frameworks for website design and


The concept of a website – information, appearance, navigation, usability. Website design and planning.
Sketching a web page and its elements. Blocks and navigation components. Page content and the
concept of information architecture. Hyperlinks to other websites. Visual design and adjustment for
greater usability. Using web development tools and web applications. Standardisation and validation.
Client-server architecture and distribution of functionality. Working in the most common browsers
(Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera). Introduction to SPA technology (Single page application). Programming and loading modules. Use of RESTful services.

Practical classes

Creating static web pages. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) – tags, elements, attributes, code
validation. Document Object Model (DOM). Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) – rules, inheritance, colours,
units of measure, fonts, CSS box model, CSS attributes and selectors, CSS implementation, page layout
strategies, web page design for all screens. CSS Object Model (CSSOM). Web usability. Search
Engine Optimisation (SEO) – On page SEO and Off page SEO optimisation. Semantic web page markup
and the dictionary. Extensible Markup Language (XML). JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
Basics of JavaScript language. Content Management System (CMS). Use of web materials and copyrights.