Objectives and outcomes
Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for planning, development and programming of
web applications. The ability to independently plan, develop and implement web applications.
Understanding the dynamic creation of web content, the concept of a session and how to track a
session. Knowledge of the basics of back-end programming, basic libraries and working environments
for web application programming.
Web application design and planning. Creating dynamic web pages. Using PHP programming language to
create web applications. Filter, sort and manipulate data from a MySQL database. CRUD (Create, Read,
Update, and Delete) operations on data. AJAX communication and data manipulation. PHP framework.
MVC (Model – View – Controller) architecture. Development of applications based on MVC architecture.
Practical classes
PHP installation, XAMPP, root, PHP configuration. Entering a PHP code on a web page, dynamic display of
content. Data types in PHP (strings, integers, floats, strings, associative strings, string functions, logical
data type, constants). Operations and instructions (IF, ELSE and ELSE IF, logic operators, switch). Loops
(while, for, foreach, continue, break). Functions (defining functions, function arguments, returning
values from a function, returning multiple values). Scope and global variables. Creating a web page using
PHP (links and addresses). Using GET values, encoding GET values. Interchangeable headers and page
redirection. Working with forms and data (creating, executing, processing, checking form value, and
displaying errors). Using PHP to access MySQL (connect to SQL, download data, process downloaded
data, create, update, and delete records). Working in the Laravel MVC framework. Installation and
environment settings. Namespaces and design templates. Routes, views and blade syntax. Controllers
and resources. Models and migrations. Authentication and validation of forms and protection against
attacks. Sending emails. File manipulations.