Computer communications

Objectives and outcomes

Computer Communications course provides an introduction to computer networks with a special focus
on the Internet, including the TCP/IP protocol suite. Upon completion of the course, students have the basic knowledge about the functioning of computer networks. They design and implement Ethernet networks and deal with computer networking.


Basic concepts of networking. The most important applications of computer networks. Network software: hierarchy of protocols, the relationship between protocols and services. OSI reference model. TCP/IP reference model. Basic concepts of networking. The most important applications of computer networks. Network software: hierarchy of protocols, the relationship between protocols and services. OSI reference model. TCP/IP reference model. Application layer: DNS. E-mail: architecture and services, formats and message transfer; HTTP and FTP. Transport layer: TCP and UDP protocol. Network layer. Network layer services: virtual circuits and datagram circuits. Routing algorithms. Congestion control algorithms. IP protocol. Media access layer: channel allocation problem and multiple access in networks. The most important protocols for multiple access control: carrier detection protocol, collision avoidance protocols, WLAN protocols. Ethernet: cables, Ethernet features, switched Ethernet, fast Ethernet, gigabit Ethernet.

Practical classes

Students independently program simple network applications. They create a project on local area networks of a hypothetical organization, make cabling plans, assign IP addresses.