Objectives and outcomes

Understanding of software quality principles and their application to real software projects, including ethical aspects of software, value and cost of software, as well as quality and security models. Students can assess the quality of software, perform validation and verification of a specific software project.


Fundamental concepts of software quality. Culture and ethics of software engineering. Value and cost of software and their relation to quality. Formal requirements in software quality assessment. Aspects of software quality before its implementation. Aspects of software quality during the planning and realisation of a software project. Evaluation of quality in relation to the project size. Aspects of quality during the software life cycle. Software quality assurance and improvement. Software security. Software quality management process. Software testing. Software verification and validation. Software revision. Practical aspects of software quality. Characterisation of software defects. Software quality assessment techniques. Software reliability. Measuring software quality. International standards in software quality assessment.

Practical classes

A case study of the analysis of software quality according to the principles and elements covered in lectures. Using modern software environments and tools for testing and evaluating software quality. Testing different types of software (web-oriented, desktop applications, mobile applications, services) using selected tools (Selenium, Ranorex, Sahi, TestingWhiz).