Objectives and outcomes
Basics of multi-rate signal processing as a key area of signal processing for the synthesis of various digital systems with various applications. Students learn about the design and implementation of digital filters for decimation and interpolation, filter banks and polynomial digital filters. Candidates are able to design digital systems for various applications in various areas of digital signal processing and engineering. Students understand and apply advanced methods of digital filter design. They understand and can analyse advanced filter structures.
Basics of multi-rate signal processing. Design and realisation of efficient systems for decimation and interpolation. Decimation and interpolation systems based on IIR filters. Decimation and interpolation systems based on FIR filters. Designing FIR filters using special algorithms. Decimation and interpolation in several stages. Polynomial interpolation and its applications to digital signal processing. Designing polynomial digital filters. Multi-rate filter banks, including Wavelet filter banks. Design of filter banks. Non-uniform filter banks. Examples of applications of multi-rate signal processing to software radio systems, digital radio receivers and other areas of engineering.
Research work
Application of software packages GNU Octave, Matlab for the analysis and design of digital filters. Computer-aided design of IIR filters. Computer-aided design of FIR filters. Application of discrete filters to given situations. Studying scientific journals and other literature through research work, students independently broaden the knowledge acquired in lectures. Working with a professor, students are trained to independently write a scientific paper.