Web Design

Objectives and outcomes

The aim of the course is that students improve theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the creation of web presentations. Students understand the key aspects of design, development and implementation of front-end web solutions. They know technical standards, software and software languages ​​relevant to the implementation of such solutions. Students understand the necessity of collaboration between designers and programmers in order to develop complex web presentations and applications.


Markup languages. Distinction between content and presentation. HTML language. Tags, attributes, ways of citing external code. CSS language. Selectors, inheritance, text formatting, manipulation of images and links. Flexbox and Grid tools. Translating design into code. Basics of the JavaScript language. Creating a site in Notepad. Creating a website in Visual Studio Code. Units of measurement on the web, pixel size. Static and dynamic websites, CMS platforms. WordPress platform. Creating a WordPress website. Webflow platform. Creating a presentation on the Webflow platform. Typography, animation, 3D graphics on the web. HTML and CSS as tools for off-the-web design.

Practical classes

Through practical exercises in relevant software (Figma, WordPress, Webflow) and through the programming of appropriate solutions (using the Visual Studio Code environment), students are introduced to various challenges of creating web presentations.