Fundamentals of Animation

Objectives and outcomes

Students learn the basic principles, i.e. basic procedures and media of animation. The aim of the course
is to train students for research and improvement in the field of animated graphics. Upon
completion of the course, students are expected to understand the phenomenon of software-generated
animation. The goal is to find out the developmental directions and correlations of the types of animation.
They are introduced to two-dimensional animation. Additionally, students are informed about selected
achievements in the history of animated film.


History of animation. Basic terminology and division. Basic elements of analogue and digital animation.
Space and time in animation. Audio-visual synthesis in animation. Use of illustration in animation. Frame
by frame animation. Experiment in animation. Object animation. Rotoscoping. Problems of recording and
editing animation. Comparative analysis of selected references from the domain (history) of animation.
Achievements of domestic authors.

Practical classes

Getting to know traditional and digital animation through a set of exercises. Basic functions of the
Dragonframe program (frame formation through photography, timeline in the program, manipulation of
the animated sequence, rendering of the frames of the animated material). Frame by frame animation.
Animation of inanimate objects. Basic functions of Adobe Animate program (basic functions of tools and
scene setting, working with the timeline, linking and manipulation of frames, manipulation of bitmap
elements and their animation). Characters in animation. Character voices.