Objectives and outcomes
Students increase advanced theoretical and practical knowledge
of web design and generative design. They understand the interactive, changing, and global nature
of the web. They know the technical standards of the web and software relevant to web design and
generative design (they learn the history of web design, analyse and compare selected contemporary
trends). Students see the value of multidisciplinary and teamwork for many aspects of contemporary
design solutions.
Web as a phenomenon and a platform. Web design history. Differences between the web and traditional
fixed-dimensional media. Site as an abstract virtual space. Contemporary trends in web design. Defining
the scope of work for programmers and designers, the nature of their cooperation. Students learn how to translate
universal terms of art (form, space, contrast, dynamics, etc.) into the web context. Web standards. Site
planning, analysis of client requirements. Website anatomy, site map. Visual concept of the site
(mockup). Key terms (hosting, domain, link, layout, grid, frontend, backend, SEO, FTP). HTML and CSS,
basics of JavaScript. Website development in Notepad. Web units, pixel size relativity. Website design in
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe XD. Static and dynamic sites, basics of PHP. CMS
platform, design preparation for WordPress. Mobile first and responsive design. Typography, animation,
3D graphics on the web. HTML and CSS as off-web design tools. Generative design. Processing
environment; p5.js environment.
Practical classes
Using relevant software (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD) and programming appropriate
solutions (through Processing and p5.js environment), students are introduced to various challenges in
the design of interactive media connected to the web (web design, generative design).