2D Animation

Objectives and outcomes

The aim of the course is to motivate and train students for creative and technically sophisticated work in
the field of two-dimensional animation. Students determine their own methods of work. They broaden the
knowledge acquired in undergraduate studies. They learn to design and produce authorial works, and to connect
the animation opus in style and function with other areas of their own artistic practice.


Key conceptual and formal categories of two-dimensional animation. Animation and design. Animation
and film. Animation and contemporary art. Movement in space (point, line, surface). Movement
characteristics. Space (composing elements in space). Illusions and expressions in two-dimensional
animation. Virtual and physical space in animation. Time (movement and duration). Sound. Distribution
and display of animation. Ambience and animation.

Practical classes

Application of topics presented in lectures through project tasks (students design and perform a series
of short exercises according to the given parameters in the relation movement-time-space).
Systematisation (conception and planning) of work. Working with classic tools and techniques. Working
with the Dragonframe software tool.