Jovana Ristić Nikolić

  • Elected to the title – 2013, School of Computing, Belgrade, Written and Oral Communication Skills
  • BA – 2007, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Serbian Language
  • A satirical drama about young people: “News from Neverland”
  • The novel „Iz kraja – jedna priča o devedesetim(From the hood, one story about the nineties)
  • Author of the novel Devedesete u kraju (Nineties in the End), 2014
  • Author of the novel Znaš ti ko sam ja?(Do you know who I am?), 2015, wider selection for the Nino Award
  • Collaboration on the preparation of the script and the play Nineties in the End, Studio Center 2019
  • Collaboration on the text template (novel) for the play Batman and Robin Belgrade,
  • Collaboration on the literary project of Snežana Pisarić Milić, Footsteps of Laza Lazarević
  • Cooperation with the Youth Program of Radio Belgrade 1
  • Member of the jury at the literary competition Serbia at the turn of the centuries