Writing a doctoral dissertation, students gain scientific and artistic experiences of creative work. They describe problems, implemented methods and procedures and the obtained results. Moreover, they make a new artistic contribution to the development of art and the application of their research in practice. In addition, the aim of preparing and defending a doctoral dissertation is to develop students’ ability to publicly present the results of their independent preparation work in a suitable form, as well as to respond to remarks and questions regarding the given topic.
Students acquire artistic and academic skills, develop creative skills and master specific practical skills. They are also trained to independently solve theoretical and practical problems, understand and use modern knowledge. They have the ability to follow modern achievements. They connect the knowledge from different fields and apply it, solve problems using scientific methods, perform simulations and experimental research, present and discuss research results. Moreover, they communicate at a professional level in writing and presenting research results through a written form of a doctoral dissertation and its public defence.
Course content
Writing and presenting research results in the form of a doctoral dissertation. Students perform the final technical processing of a doctoral dissertation. They submit bound copies to the evaluation and defence committee. The final part is an oral defence, in which students defend their dissertations. The procedure for the public defence of a doctoral dissertation is regulated by the general act of the School of Computing in Belgrade.
This study program provides exceptional competences in the field of multimedia design and understanding. Students create multimedia that is shaped by the way of use. They are capable of projecting behavioral situations and perceptual performances in virtual space. Above all, the program aims to:
1. Improve the quality of doctoral studies in design in the Republic of Serbia;
2. Train students, future Doctors of Arts to understand, describe and explain limits and development of multimedia areas;
3. Complete the performance quality of design and artistic practice in the Republic of Serbia.