Web Application Development

Objectives and outcomes
Students acquire the knowledge of creating interactive and data-driven web applications, either for the Internet or an intranet network environment. Understanding dynamic web content creation, the concept of a session and session tracking. Knowledge of the basics of frontend programming, basic libraries and frameworks for client-side programming. Knowledge of the REST concept and server-side programming. Advanced concepts on the client side: web sockets, file access, local data storage. Understanding the concept of security in the world of web applications.

HTTP protocol. Session monitoring and state management. Types of cookies and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Sending parameters and files. Basics of dynamic web content creation. Programming concepts in the JavaScript programming language. The DOM tree, view and modification from JavaScript. Basic libraries and environments for front-end programming. The concept of REST. Data exchange using JSON format. AJAX calls. Basic environments for back-end programming. Web application security. Basic types of attacks in web applications and defenses against them.

Practical classes
Writing client and server applications. User tracking in web applications. Session monitoring, registration and login to the site. Sending files to the server. Writing simple JavaScript programs. Object-oriented programming in the JavaScript programming language. Using libraries and environments for the client side. Using web sockets and local repositories. Writing the server side (backend). Use of REST in communication between client side and server side through AJAX calls. Debugging and monitoring web application performance.

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