Animated Graphics

Objectives and outcomes

The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the possibilities of animated graphic elements in the
digital environment, i.e. with the theoretical settings, laws and types of animated graphics. Students
master the technical and technological possibilities of applying animated graphics. Upon completion of
the course, students are expected to know and understand the content of the course. Furthermore, they
are qualified for analysis and comparison of animated graphic elements, and are able to independently
create animated graphics and work on group animation projects.


History of graphic elements in animation. Basic terminology and division. Basic elements of making
animated graphics. Animated graphics as a way of expression in applied art. Animated graphics in
commercial projects. Animated graphics in multimedia. Comparative analysis of selected works of
domestic and foreign authors of animated graphics.

Practical classes

Raster and vector graphics in animation. Animation in Adobe After Effects (scene setting for animated
graphics, manipulation of graphic elements on the scene through animation, composition of animated
graphics, programming of animated graphics cycle, rendering of animated graphics). Making animated
characters through graphic elements and their animation. Development of animated infographics.
Workflow of animated graphics in terms of teamwork. Making animated graphics in multimedia
projects. Animation in Adobe Animate program (structuring an animated project with graphic elements,
manipulating animated graphic elements in an interactive scene, rendering an animated project).