Computing in the cloud

Fundamentals of cloud computing. The layers and types in the cloud. Cloud computing in relation to services. Virtualization. Web services and SOA. The flows of services and workflows. Web2.0. Standards. Open questions. Performance. Security and privacy.
Platform control. Bandwidth. Reliability. Technology and applications. IT as a service. Development of applications in the cloud. The cloud as an infrastructure for Internet data centers. Virtual private cloud. Virtual data centers and applications. Public, private and hybrid cloud. Infrastructure as a service. AmazonEC2. Go Grid. AmazonS3. Rack space Cloud. Platform as a service.
GoogleAppEngine. Microsoft Azure. Software as a service. Desktop as a service. GoogleApps. Sales force. Scalability of service. Scalable architecture. Computing in the cloud and the grid. High performance computing in the cloud. Designing clouds using open source software.