Digital Video

Objectives and outcomes

The aim of the course is to enable students to independently operate a video camera and to
independently produce digital video. Students are introduced to digital imaging technology. They are
introduced to different image formats and properties, as well as to different types of electronic cameras
and types of optics. They master the basics of image shooting (exterior, interior, movement in the frame,
shooting angles, etc.). They master the elements of image composition and basic lighting settings.


History and basics of digital video. Types of electronic cameras. Types of optics. Basics of digital video
recording. The concept of framing. Plans and perspectives. Conventions and deviations from
conventions. Film image composition. The Golden ratio. Triangle rule. Accuracy of representation of
spatial relations. Colour as an element of composition. Types of lighting settings.

Practical classes

Various examples of digital video are shown in practical classes. Students learn about camera settings. They record original digital video materials of different duration and format.