Objectives and outcomes
Students are motivated and trained for creative (research and experimental) practice in animation.
Students apply aesthetic reasoning regarding audiovisual art forms. They learn to design and implement
innovative forms of animation. The emphasis is put on research and experimental practice based on the
use of various analogue and digital media. Students are trained to evaluate and qualitatively complete their
own poetics. They learn to look at animation in a broader context.
Phenomenology of moving images. Interdisciplinary approach to animation. Relationship of animation
with other artistic disciplines. Creative and logical methods of animation. The avant-garde and experiment.
Animation limits. The relationship between photography and animation. Animation and synesthesia
effects. The avant-garde of new media. Comparative analysis of experimental forms. Introduction to
individual poetics.
Practical classes
Carrying out project assignments based on the topics presented in lectures. Working with classic tools
and techniques. Working with Adobe Photoshop and Dragonframe software tools. Animation as an
audio-visual event in real or virtual space: individual experiments.