Objectives and outcomes
Students understand the basic rules of film directing. They learn the basics of writing a screenplay. They
get acquainted with various film and audiovisual forms. They are encountered with selected films from
the history of film and know how to adequately analyse them.
Introduction to dramaturgy, theme and idea of a literary work, conflict. Three-part scenario structure. Concepts
of action, story and narration. Characters, function and task. Reversals. Dialogue. Features of visual
narration. Film and television types (feature film, TV film, drama, feature length documentary, short forms such
as short and documentary film, etc.). Documentary, live and reality television programs. Commercials.
Music videos. Comic dramaturgy. Series. The dramaturgy of video games. The future and perspectives of
dramaturgy and visual narration in new media. Internet video form.
Practical classes
Practical classes present various media contents, their dramaturgical analysis and scenario analysis.
Classes rely on examples from the history of film. Students complete practical tasks in creating scripts for
different media.