Film and animation

Theoretical classes: Origin, advent and development of film. Film between the arts and the media. Characteristics of the film image. Basic elements of film language. Plan and frame. Editing. The narration in film. Speech and sound. The problem of authorship in film. Movie genres. Stages of making and marketing of a film. The process of digitizing on film. Film and the new media. The concept of animation, origin, creation and development of animated film. Animated film between film and visual art. Narrations in animated film. Types of cinematic animation. The techniques and technology of animation in film and other media. Digital animation. Animation, animated film and new media. Future prospects of films, animated films and animations in the context of digitization and new media.

Practical classes: During exercises, various film and animated contents are displayed and students make their structural and comparative analysis. Students perform presentations on the basis of the selected film and animation material and produce concepts for the development of original film and animation contents.