Objectives and outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic concepts of
information systems and the process of information system development. Students get acquainted with
the ways and levels of using information in an organisation and with how the information system
enables the improvement of quality, dynamics and competitiveness. Upon completion of the course,
students have the knowledge of the basic concepts related to information systems. They understand the
phenomenon of information systems, processes and phases of their development and their use for
business and organisational purposes.
Introduction to information systems. Information system architecture. Information systems in an
organisation and business. Information system development models. Functional modelling. Information
modelling. Techniques of structured system analysis (investigation of current environment, data flow
modelling, mini specification, data dictionary). Relational modelling of transaction data. Database
management systems. Standardisation in information system design. CASE tools: concept and types.
Implementation of information systems. Use and maintenance of information systems. Analytical
processing. Decision support information systems. Intelligent information systems. Definition,
components and types. Basics of electronic business. Information systems security. Measuring the
performance of an information system. Ethical principles in the field of information systems.
Practical classes
Structural system analysis with examples. Data dictionary structure and content. Basics of data
modelling. Examples of relational database design. Creating tables. Examples of the SQL query language.
Analysis of individual modules and available software packages.