Bogdan Mirković, PhD

Academic title: Professors of Applied studies
Born: 22/7/1975
Employed from: 1/10/2019
Email: [email protected]
Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2019, School of Computing, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Information Technology
- PhD – 2016, Faculty of Information Technology, Slobomir P University
- MSc – 2001, Faculty of Information Technology, Slobomir P University
- BSc – 1999, Military Technical Academy of the Army of Yugolsavia, Department of Information Technology
- He got his first job as the Head of the Center for Automated Data Processing of the Logistic Base in the Army of the VRS and then moved to the position of Head of the Informatics Department in the 3rd K VRS, working on the introduction of new information systems in the army.
- In 2001, he was employed in an economic organization in the agricultural and food industry as a programmer and then as an assistant director for logistics and organization of the information system and director of the organization. For the achieved results, he was awarded the Best Director in the RS.
- In the period 2007-2011, he was elected as a member of the Audit Committee of the bank, and in 2016, he was elected as a member of the City’s Economic Council.
- As the leader of the project team, he worked on the introduction of the information system in the institutions for the execution of criminal sanctions in the RS.
- He is the recipient of the Silver Order of Merit by the LS RS.
- He has been working at higher education institutions since 2003 as a demonstrator, assistant and senior assistant.
- He is the author of about 50 scientific papers published in scientific journals and at conferences.
Scientific and professional production
1.Pilipović D., Mirković B., ”E-democracy concept – basis and/or enhancement of digital organization of society”, Economics Vol. 3, No.1, Oikos Institut, Bijeljina, 2015., pp.149-161
2.Mirković B., Erić B. ”Informacioni sistem za upravljanje ljudskim resursima zaposlenih u zatvorskom sistemu”(Information system for human resource management of employees in the prison system), Zbornik radova sa XVII naučno-stručnog skupa Informacione tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, University of Montenegro, pp. 96-99, Podgorica, 2012
3.Mirković B., ”Metodološki okvir analize zainteresovanih strana u projektima razvoja međuorganizacionih informacionih sistema”(Methodological framework for the analysis of interested parties in inter-organisational information systems development projects), Infoteh – Jahorina 2013, Vol 12, pp. 578-582, School of Electrical Engineering, Eastern Sarajevo, 2013
4.Mirkovic B., Vidovic D., Eric B., ”E-learning in the field of hunting”, 15th International conference CTTH 2013, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013, pp. 422-430,
5.B. Mirković, D. Vidović ”Methodology Framework for Stakeholder Analysis in the Projects of Information System Development ”, International Scientific Conference UNITECH, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 2014
6.Mirković B. ”Dijeljenje i integracija informacija u lovstvu”, Zbornik radova Departmana za turizam, ugostiteljstvo i hotelijerstvo br. 40, Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, pp.162-171, Novi Sad, 2011.
7.Mirković B., ”Kriterijumi za mjerenje uspješnosti informacionih sistema”(Criteria for measuring the success of information systems), Proceedings of the 19th Scientific and Professional Conference on Information Technology – the Present and Future, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2014, pp. 139-142
8.Mirković B., ”Odnos organizacione kulture i bezbjednosti informacionog sistema organizacije”(The relationship between organizational culture and the security of the organization’s information system), Proceedings from the scientific conference Infotech– Jahorina 2015, Vol 14, pp. 475-480, School of Electrical Engineering, Eastern Sarajevo, 2015
9.Mirković B., ”Conceptual Framework and Implementation Challenges of Modern Game Management Information System”, 16th International conference CTTH 2015, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2015.
10.Mirković B. ”Organizacija edukacije softverskog inženjera”(Organization of software engineer education),Proceedings of the 4th National Conference with international participation Re-engineering of business processes in education– RPPO 2017, Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 2017. pp. 203-210