Bojana Dimić Surla, PhD

Academic career
- Dean of the faculty – appointed in 2021
- PhD -2009, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, Computer Science
- MSc – 2007, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, Computer Science
- BSc – 2005, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, Informatics
- Elected to the title of full professor – 2020, School of Computing, Belgrade
- Elected to the title of associate professor- 2015, School of Computing, Belgrade, Software Engineering
- Elected to the title of assistant professor – 2010, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad
- Research associate – 2007–2010
Scientific and professional production
- Dimić Surla Bojana, Developing an Eclipse editor for MARC records using Xtext, Software: Practice and Experience, 43 (11) 2013, pp. 1241-1392
- Rudić Gordana, Dimić Surla Bojana, Using OCL in the formal specification of the library standards, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 23 (3) 2013, pp. 341-359
- Dimić Surla Bojana, Eclipse editor for MARC records, Information technology and libraries, 31 (3) 2012, pp. 65-75
- Dimić B., Milosavljević B., Surla, D., XML schema for UNIMARC and MARC 21 formats, The Electronic Library, 28 (3) 2010, pp. 245-262.
- Dimić B., Surla D., XML Editor for UNIMARC and MARC 21 cataloguing, The Electronic Library, 27 (3) 2009, pp. 509-528
- Dimić Surla B., Ivanović L. Managing PhD promotions and register of doctors in CRIS UNS, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Society and Technology – ICIST 2015, pp. 347-351
- Ivanović, L., Ivanović, D. and Dimić-Surla, B. Improving dissemination of human knowledge by exporting data from research information systems, In: Management, Knowledge and Learning – MakeLearn International Conference, Portorož, Slovenia, 25-27 June, 2014, pp. 711-718, ISBN 978-961-6914-09-3 (pdf), ISBN 978-961-6914-07-9 (CD)
- Ivanović, D., Ivanović, L., Dimić-Surla, B. 2014. Multi-interoperable CRIS repository, In: 12th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems – CRIS 2014, Rome, Italy, 13-15 May, 2014, pp. 86-91
- Györgyi, E., Dimić, B., Konjović, Z. Implementation of the ontology-based online public service. In:Katic, V(ed.) Proceedings of the 6th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology ICET 2013, Novi Sad, 2013. Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Sciences
- Dimić Surla, B., Ivanović, D. Using templates for presenting publication references in CRIS. In:Jeffery, K. and Dvorak, J. (eds.) e-Infrastructures for Research and Innovation, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012. Prague: Zeithmlova Milena Ing. – Agentura Action M, pp. 61-66
- Dimić Surla, B., Segedinac, M. and Ivanović, D. A BIBO ontology extension for evaluation of scientific research results. In:Ivanovic, M. and Budimac, Z. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics, Novi Sad, 2012. New York: ACM, pp. 275-278
- Dimić Surla, B. Editor za MARC 21 zapise. DISSERTATIO. Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević, 2011