Dragan Urošević, PhD

Academic career
- PhD – 2004, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Computer Science
- MSc – 1994, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Computer Science
- BSc – 1987, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Computer Science
- Elected to the title – 2018, School of Computing, Belgrade, Algorithms and Complexity
- Robotics laboratory, Mihajlo Pupin Institute
- Teaching assistant – 1991–1993, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade
- Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – from 1993
Scientific and professional production
- Jack Brimberg, Dragan Urosevic, Nenad Mladenovic, “Variable neighborhood search for the vertex weighted k-cardinality tree problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, 171 (1) (2006) 74-84.
- N. Mladenovic, D. Urosevic, S. Hanafi, Variable neighborhood search for the travelling deliveryman problem, 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, vol. 11, 57-73, 2013
- Nenad Mladenović, Frank Plastria, Dragan Urošević, “Reformulation descent applied to circle packing problems”, Computers and Operations Research, 32 (9) (2005) 2419–2434.
- N. Mladenovic, D. Urosevic, S.Hanafi, A. Ilic, A general variable neighborhood search for the one-commodity pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, vol. 220, 270-285, 2012.
- V. Tintor, D. Urosevic, B. Andjelic, J. Radunovic, N. Mladenovic, Variable neighbourhood search for resolving routing and wavelength assignment problem in optical wavelength-division multiplexing networks, IET COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 5 br. 14, 2028-2034, 2011.
- A. Ilić, D. Urošević, J. Brimberg i N. Mladenović, Variable neighborhood search for solving the uncapacitated single allocation phub median problem. European J of Operational Research 206, 289-300, 2010.
- J. Lazić, S. Hanafi, N. Mladenovic i D. Urošević, Variable neighborhood decomposition search for 0-1 Mixed integer programs. Computers and Operations Research 37, 1055-1067, 2010.
- N. Mladenović, D. Urošević, D. Perez-Brito i CG. Garcia-Gonzalez, Variable neighborhood search for bandwidth reduction. European J of Operational Research 200, 14-27, 2010.
- J. Brimberg, P. Hansen, N. Mladenović i D. Urošević. Solving large p-median clustering problems by primal-dual variable neighborhood search, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 19, 351-375, 2009.
- Q. Zhao, D. Urošević, N. Mladenović i P. Hansen, A restarted and modified simplex search for unconstrained optimization, Computers and Operations Research 36 (2009) 3263-3271.