Drago Inđić, PhD

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2021, School of Computing, Belgrade, Economic Sciences
- PhD – 1995, Imperial College, London, Engineering Sciences
- BSc – 1990, School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade
- He has been working in the fund industry since 1993.
- In 1999, he obtained a professional investment qualification and the following year an authorisation for investment work in Great Britain.
- He worked as an analyst at the Kuwait State Fund, the Fauchier family office and several quantitative hedge funds.
- He was the manager of the Center for Hedge Funds of the London Business School, 2005–2011
- Since 2017, he has been the director of Oxquant in Oxford, where he leads the implementation of statistical and financial modelling projects.
- Since 1997, he has been a registered European Union expert for financial informatics and machine learning.
Scientific and professional production
1. Chishti, S., Indjic, D. et al (Eds) The Legaltech Book (2020), Wiley
2. Indjic, D. (2015) ETFmatic, robo-investiciona aplikacija, Financial Conduct Authority record
3. Inđić, D., Janković, I. (2012) Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis and Restructuring Alternatives, University of Belgrade Faculty of Economics 10th Anniversary Conference, 22 September 2012
4. Indjic, D. (2011) Concealed Investment Strategy Threats, NATO Science for Peace and Security Studies Series E, Vol. 88: Use of Risk Analysis in Computer-Aided Persuasion, IOP Press, p. 29-44
5. Indjic, D., Billieux, S. (2009) Hedge Fund Value, CFA Magazine UK, June 2009.
6. Karki, J., Indjic, D. (2009) A New Investment Paradigm: Alpha-Beta Separation, Euromoney, Handbook, January 2009
7. Indjic, D., Towers, N. (1995) Risk Analysis in Fund Managment, Ekonomska misao, 33 (3-4), 333-341
8. Indjic, D. (1990), NeuroFiltex: Design of Extension for Time Series Filter Selection Expert System, Int. Conf. Neural Networks (1990) Paris, p.453. (ISBN 978-0-7923-0831-7)
9. Indjic, D. (1990) Fuzzy interpretation of the Mandelbrot set drawing, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 37 (1): 117-122