Dušan Vujošević, PhD

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2020, School of Computing, Computer Science, Information Systems
- PhD – 2012, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Technical Sciences, Organisational Sciences
- MSc – 2008, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Technical Sciences, Organisational Sciences
- BSc – 2003, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Organisational Sciences, Information Systems
- Vice dean for academic affairs – 2018–2021, School of Computing·
- Cooperation with a Spanish university in La Coruna – since 2020
- Cooperation with Nuclear Sciences Institute UNAM – 2016–2022
- Saga Infotech -2003–2009, Belgrade, system analyst, designer and consultant on the development of software solutions in the field of integrated information systems, business intelligence and document management
- Materials Testing Institute – 2002–2003, Stuttgart, Germany
- Published a paper in Decision Support Systems journal – 2012
- Participated in different projects with – Denmark, the Institute for Agricultural Research, Mihajlo Pupin Institute, the Yugoslav Academy of Engineering, the National Bank of Serbia, Nikola Tesla Airport Belgrade, the Oil Industry of Serbia, Srbijagas and Coca Cola Hellenic.
He was first employed as a computer programmer at the Materials Testing Institute of the University of Stuttgart, Germany, where he worked in 2002 and 2003. Тhen, from 2004 to 2009, he was employed as a system analyst, system designer, and consultant at the Saga Infotech company in Belgrade, Serbia, where he developed software solutions in the domains of integrated information systems, business intelligence, and document management; he was in charge of the line of products based on the IBM technologies, and he took part in training in software technologies in England, Austria, and Greece. In 2012, he co-authored an article in Decision Support Systems – one of the world’s leading journals about computing – and got, afterward, his Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Since 2013, he has been working at the Faculty of Computer Science, where he was the vice dean for the education process from 2018 to 2021. During his career, either as a project team member or as a project leader, he has participated in the projects of different institutions, including the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, in Danemark, as well as the Mihailo Pupin Institute, Yugoslav Academy of Engineering, National Bank of Serbia, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, Petroleum Industry of Serbia, Srbijagas and Coca-Cola HBC, in Serbia. In 2016, as a consultant, he designed and implemented a big data predictive analytics project for the human resources management in the telecom provider Orange Romania while being on postdoctoral research at the Faculty for Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. From 2016 to 2022, he collaborated with the Institute of Nuclear Sciences of UNAM University, the largest and highest-ranked university in Latin America, holding courses for graduate and doctoral students in Mexico City. In 2020-2021, he was a member of the working group for teaching innovation in information and documentation, which the Spanish University of A Coruña led. He stayed in the world center of the IT industry, Silicon Valley in California, in 2023, visiting the Sand Hill Angels group and getting acquainted with the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Since 2015, he has been the deputy president of the Council of the UNION University in Belgrade.
Scientific and professional production
1. Bojović, Ž., Bojović, P. D., Vujošević, D., & Šuh, J. (2020). Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance
learning. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(6), 1467-1489.
2. Vujošević, Dušan; Kovačević, Ivana; Vujošević-Janičić, Milena. The learnability of the dimensional view of data
and what to do with it. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 71.1: 38-53, 2019.
3. Vujošević, Dušan, Dimensionnellement — décisionnellement : Recherches sur l’utilisabilité des interfaces
utilisateurs en informatique décisionnelle, Editions universitaires europeennes, ISBN: 978-613-9-52730-4, 2019.
4. Kovačević, I., Vujošević, D. Matching virtual workplaces with cognitive styles: Exposing users with different
cognitive styles to data models of alternative complexity, In Schütz, Alexander C., et al. Abstracts of the 60th
Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP) 2018.
5. I. Pilčević, V. Jeremić, D. Vujošević, Evaluating the scientific performance of institutions within the university: An
example from the University of Belgrade leading institutions. J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 83.11: 1285-1295, 2018.
6. Ивана З. Ковачевић и Душан М. Вујошевић, Учење као емоционално искуство: ефикасност у учењу и
емоционална процена ситуације (оригинални научни чланак) (Learning as an Emotional Experience: Effectiveness in Learning and Emotional Assessment of a Situation), Учење и настава, (ISSN 2466-2801 • УДК
37(497.11), Година IV • Број 2 • 191–388 • 2018.
7. Dunja Majstorović, Dušan Vujošević, Računarstvo u oblaku u Srbiji – Pregled stanja (Cloud Computing in Serbia – Status Overview), U Yuinfo 2016 – Society for information systems and computer networks, ISBN: 978-86-85525-17-9, pp. 317-320, 2016.
8. Ivanović A., Tomić M., Vujošević D., Using the MapReduce to improve query-response in a survey platform,
ICDSST 2015 Proceedings – The 1st International Conference on Decision Support Systems Technologies, An
EWG-DSS Conference, Theme: Big Data Analytics for Decision-Making (B. Delibašić, F. Dargam, P. Zaraté , J.E.
Hernández, S. Liu, R. Ribeiro, I. Linden, J. Papathanasiou (editors)), ISBN 978-86-7680-313-2, 201.5
9. Ivanović A., Vujošević D., Kovačević I., An Approach to a Survey System as a Corporate Tool, International
Symposium Symorg 2014 : symposium proceedings, ISBN 978-86-7680-295-1, COBISS.SR-ID 207585292, 2014.
10. D. Vujošević, et al., A comparison of the usability of performing ad hoc querying on dimensionally modeled data
versus operationally modeled data, Decis. Support Syst. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.dss.2012.05.004, 2012.
11. Vujošević D., Suknović M., Pantović V., Kovačević I, „Uloga poslovne inteligemcije u upravljanju znanjem na
primeru dokazivanja kreiranja znanja eksperimentom sa ad hok upitima“(The role of business intelligence in knowledge management at the example of proving the creation of knowledge by an experiment with ad hoc queries), Zbornik radova Infotech, Beograd 2011.