Jelena Mladenović, PhD

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2021, School of Computing, Belgrade
- PhD – 2019, Inria/Inserm
- Sept 2017 – April 2018, Research Fellow invited by prof. Dr Doron Friedman, Advanced Reality Lab, IDC Tel Aviv, Israel
- April–August 2015, Internship with Dr Theodore Papadopoulos and Dr Maureen Clerc, Inria Sophia-Antipolis
- MSc – 2015, BASILEUS V – European master scholarship (12 months), Sophia Antipolis University in Nice, France, Computational Biology and Bio-Medicine
- 2012–2013 EUROWEB-EU exchange scholarship for western Balkans, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Vrije University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands;2012 – 2013
- BSc – 2013, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Computer Science
- She is a prominent member of the world organisation BCI Society, as well as the French BCI community CORTICO.
- Founder of NeuroTechX, Belgrade
- Finalist Thesis award Complex Systems, Paris 2020
- Laureate of Sephora Berebi – Women in Science (2019)
- Student Award (UbiComp conference, Singapore) (2018)
- Student Award (Asilomar BCI Meeting, California) (2018)
- Student Travel Award (Graz BCI Conference, Austria) (2017)
- Basileus V scholarship to study in Nice, Sophia Antipolis (2014 – 2015)
- EuroWeb scholarship to study in Amsterdam, Vrije University (2012 – 2013)