Milanka Gardašević-Filipović, PhD

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2015, School of Computing, Mathematics
- PhD – 2012 – Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Numerical Mathematics and Optimisation
- MSc – 1999, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Numerical Mathematics and Optimisation
- BSc – 1991, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Numerical Mathematics and Optimisation
- Teaching Assistant – 1992–2009, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
- Teaching Assistant – 2008–2009, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade
Scientific and professional production
- Nabil Mlaiki , Nebojša Dedovic , Hassen Aydi , Milanka Gardašević-Filipović , Bandar Bin-Mohsin, Stojan Radenović :” Some New Observations on Geraghty and Ćirić Type Results in b-Metric Spaces“, Mathematics 2019, 7(7), 643; (2019) (M21) IF 2018=1,105
- Nabil Mlaiki , Katarina Kukić, Milanka Gardašević-Filipović and Hassen Aydi :” On Almost b-Metric Spaces and Related Fixed Point Results “, Axioms 2019, 8(2), 70; (2019)
- Gardašević Filipović M., Đuranović Miličić N. „An Algorithm Using Moreau-Yosida Regularization for Minimization of a Nondifferentiable Convex Function“, Filomat 27:1 (2013), pp 13–20, (M21) IF2011=0,714
- Đuranović Miličić N., Gardašević Filipović M. “On An Algorithm In Nondifferential Convex Optimization” , YUJOR Vol.23 , Number 1, DOI: 10.2298/YJOR110501024D , Pages 59-71, 2013. godine (M51)
- Gardašević Filipović M: „A New Prioritization Method in the Analytic Hierarchy Process Applied on a Case Study of the Convention Site Selection“, JP Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 63-80
- Đuranović Miličić N., Gardašević Filipović M.: “Nondifferentiable Convex Optimization: An Algorithm Using Moreau-Yosida Regularization” Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, WCE 2012, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, VOL. I, pp 131-136, (2012) ISSN 2078-0958 (M51)
- Gardašević Filipović M. , Đuranović Miličić N. “AN ALGORITHM USING TRUST REGION STRATEGY FOR MINIMIZATION OF A NONDIFFERENTIABLE FUNCTION” , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 32, No. 12, pp. 1239-1251, 2011. godine DOI:10.1080/01630563.2011.595566 (M21) IF2011=0,711
- Milanka Filipović, Ljiljana Paunović, Stojan Radenović, Miloje Rajović: „Remarks on Cone Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems of T-Kannan and T-Chatterjea Contractive Mappings”, Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2011), Vol. 54, Issues 5-6, pp 1467-1472, 2011. godine MCM-D-11-00053 (M21) IF2011=1,346
- Đuranović Miličić N,. Gardašević Filipović M.: “A Multi-step Curve Search Algorithm in Nonlinear Optimization – Nondifferentiable Convex Case” , FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 25, pp. 11-24, 2010. godine (M51)
- Gardašević Filipović M , Šaletić D.: “Multicriteria Optimization In A Fuzzy Environment: System Selection By The Analytic Hierarchy Process” YUJOR, Vol. 20, No. 1, str. 71-85, 2010. godine 10.2298/YJOR1001071G (M51)
- Gardašević Filipović M.: „A Trust Region Method Using Subgradient for Minimizing a Nondifferentiable Function“, YUJOR, Vol. 19, No. 2, str. 249-262, 2009. godine DOI:10.2298/YUJOR0902249G (M51)
- Đuranović Miličić N., Gardašević Filipović M.: „An Algorithm For Minimization Of A Nondifferentiable Convex Function“, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, WCE 2009, VOL. II, pp 1241-1246, 2009. godine (M51)