Mirjana Marković, PhD

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2011, Professor of Philology, Language and Literature
- PhD – 2011, Teacher Education Faculty, Didactic and methodological sciences (language and literature)
- MA – 2003, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Science of Literature – Literature for Children
- BA – 1986, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Yugoslav Literature and the Serbian Language
- Elected to the title of a Senior Lecturer – 2003, Culture of Speech
- Elected to the title of a Lecturer – 2004, Literature for Children
- Elected to the title of a Lecturer – 2006, Serbian Language
- Elected to the title of a Lecturer of Applied Studies – 2007, Philology
- Elected to the title of a Lecturer – 2011, Language and Literature
- She has published a monograph and a textbook, Culture of Speech, which has had four editions so far, and which was co-authored with Živan Lukić, MSc.
- A notable number of works are contained in the manual Culture of Speech (2008), which was approved as a textbook for the subject Culture of Speech.
- She publishes professional works in domestic magazines, in the collections of international scientific and professional meetings with reviews, etc.
- In addition to topics related to the mentioned areas, a significant number of published works are devoted to the problems of public speaking and communication.
Scientific and professional production
1.MARKOVIĆ, M. i MALJKOVIĆ, M (2013): Razvoj jezičke kulture i okviru nastave srpskog jezika (Development of language culture within the framework of the Serbian language), Scientific conference with international participation “200 years of the Serbian teacher training school in Sentandreja and Sombor“ Faculty of Education Sombor, University of Novi Sad (M45)
2. MARKOVIĆ, M. i SAVOVIĆ, B (2011): „Mogućnosti razvijanja pisanog govora na predškolskom uzrastu“(Possibilities of developing written speech at preschool age), participation in the international symposium “Technology, informatics and education for the society of learning and knowledge”, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak, University of Kragujevac (M63)
3. MARKOVIĆ, M (2011): Kultura izražavanja i neverbalni komunikacijsku kod. Inovacije u nastavi: časopis za Savremenu nastavu (Culture of expression and non-verbal code. Inovations in teaching: magazine for contemporary teaching), vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 139-145, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade (M52)
4. SAVOVIĆ, B. i MARKOVIĆ, M (2011) „Predškolsko dete i kompjuter“ (Preschool child and computer)participation in the international symposium “Technology, informatics and education for the society of learning and knowledge”, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak, University of Kragujevac (M63)
5. MARKOVIĆ, M (2008): Istorijski roman kao žanr u književnosti za decu (u) (Historical novel as a genre in children’s literature), Children’s literature in literary criticism, I-II, Belgrade
6. MARKOVIĆ, M (2007): Značaj primene narodnih umotvorina u razvijanju dramskog doživljaja dece predškolskog doba. (The significance of the application of folk art in the development of the dramatic experience of preschool children). The paper published at the conference Aesthetic and didactic value of school reading, Faculty of Education Sombor, University of Novi Sad (M 52)
7. MARKOVIĆ, M (2006): Lik pripovedača u Andersenovim bajkama (The character of the storyteller in Andersen’s fairy tales), The paper published at the conference: Creativity of Hans Christian Andersen, Faculty of Education Sombor, University of Novi Sad (M52)
8. MARKOVIĆ, M (2006): Jezik kao sredstvo kulturnog i nacionalnog identiteta učenika i studenata,“ (Language as a means of cultural and national identity of pupils and students), Paper published at the international interdisciplinary scientific meeting: European dimensions of the reform of the education system, Faculty pf Philosophy, Novi Sad (M51)
9. MARKOVIĆ, M (2006): „Pokušaj geneaološkog sagledavanja istorijsko romana kao žanra u srpskoj književnosti za decu“(An attempt at a genealogical analysis of the historical novel as a genre in Serbian children’s literature), The paper published at the conference Aesthetic and didactic value of school reading, Faculty of Education Sombor, University of Novi Sad (M52)
10.MARKOVIĆ, M (2004): Stvaralaštvo za decu Ante Staničića: osnovne naznake poetskih opredeljenja (Ante Staničić’s creativity for children: basic indications of poetic orientations), Pedagoška stvarnost, 3-4, 219-228 (M 52)
Textbooks and other teaching materials:
1.MARKOVIĆ, M (2013): Jezičko izrađžavanje dece predškolskog i mlađeg školskog uzrasta (Language expression of children of preschool and younger school age). Šabac, Higher Professional School for the Education of Teachers (M42)
2. LUKIĆ, Ž. i MARKOVIĆ,M: Praktikum za vežbe iz Kulture govora:skripta (Practicum for exercises in the Culture of Speech: workbook), 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
3.MARKOVIĆ, M (2008): Istorijski roman kao žanr u književnosti za decu (u) Dečja književnost u književnoj kritici (Historical novel as a genre in children’s literature (in) Children’s literature in literary criticism), I-II, Belgrade
4.LUKIĆ, Ž. i MARKOVIĆ, M (2003): Kultura govora (Culture of speech), fourth edition, Intelekta, Valjevo (M42)