Nemanja Radosavljević, PhD

Academic career
- PhD – 2021, School of Computing, Belgrade, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computing
- MSc – 2009, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Information Systems and Technologies, Electronic Business
- BCc – 2008, School of Computing, Belgrade, Computer Networks and Communications
- Vice Dean for Academic Affairs- since October 2021, School of Computing
- Assistant Professor – 2021–present, School of Computing, subjects related to the development of web pages, web systems, web application programming, information systems, computer communications
- Teaching Assistant – 2013–2021, School of Computing, subjects related to the development of web pages, web systems, web application programming, information systems, computer communications.
- Part-time Associate, since 2010, in charge of conducting trainings based on the Microsoft platform as a Microsoft Certified Trainer.
- CET company – 2009–2013, Administration and design of web portals both for the needs of the parent company and for external clients.
Scientific and professional production
- N. Radosavljević, P. Prvulović, D. Vujošević and A. Gavrić, „Traffic Analysis of A3 Topology Construction Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks,“ 2022, 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 2022, pp. 1-6, Publisher: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/INFOTEH53737.2022.9751272. (M 63)
- A. Gavrić, D. Vujošcvić, N. Radosavljević and P. Prvulović, „Real-Time Data Processing Techniques for a Scalable Spatial and Temporal Dimension Reduction,“ 2022, 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 2022, pp. 1-6, Publisher: IEEE doi: 10.1109/INFOTEH53737.2022.9751323. (M 63)
- Petar Prvulović, Nemanja Radosavljević, Đorđe Babić, Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Protocols in Precision Agriculture-A Case Study, 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), PP: 295-298, Publisher: IEEE, 2021 (M 63)
- Nemanja Radosavljević, Milena Popović, Dušan Vujošević, Djordje Babić, “Optimal Selection of Lightweight Cipher Algorithm and Topology Construction Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 30(4), pp. 43-53, 2021. DOI:, IF: 2020: 1.649 (M 23)
- Nemanja Radosavljević, Đorđe Babić, „Power Consumption Analysis Model in Wireless Sensor Network for Different Topology Protocols and Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms“, Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 22, no. 1 , pp. 71-80, Jan. 2021. IF: 2020: 1.005 (M 23)
- P. Prvulović, N. Radosavljević, D. Vujošević. An Approach to Exposing a Data Science Workflow in Form of a KNIME Model through a RESTFUL Web Service, Infotech, 2020 (M 34)
- Nemanja Radosavljević, Đorđe Babić, “Overview of security threats, prevention and protection mechanisms in wireless sensor networks, Journal of Mechatronics, Automation and Identification Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 1 – 6, 2020 (M 53)
- Nemanja Radosavljević, Đorđe Babić, Analiza metoda za prepoznavanje teksta na slikama iz prirodnog okruženja upotrebom paketa MATLAB (Analysis of methods for text recognition on images from the natural environment using the MATLAB package), Info M magazine, vol. 16, number 63, pp. 32-36, ISSN 1451-4397, 2017 (M 53)
- Petar Prvulović, Nemanja Radosavljević, Đorđe Babić, Pregled “lakih” blok-šifarskih algoritama zasnovanih na SPN mreži sa aspekta bezbednosti bežičnih senzorskih mreža (Review of “lightweight” block cipher algorithms based on SPN network from the aspect of security of wireless sensor networks), 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, March, 2021 (M 63)
- Nemanja Radosavljević, Đorđe Babić, Pregled sigurnosnih pretnji i mehanizama prevencije i zaštite u bežičnim senzorskim mrežama s primenom u preciznoj poljoprivredi (Overview of security threats and prevention and protection mechanisms in wireless sensor networks, with the use in precision agriculture),19th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, March, 2020 (M 63)
- Nemanja Radosavljević, Đorđe Babić, Analiza metoda za prepoznavanje teksta na slikama iz prirodnog okruženja upotrebom paketa MATLAB (Analysis of methods for text recognition on images from the natural environment using the MATLAB package), Infotech Aranđelovac, 2017 (M 63)
- Nemanja Radosavljević, Prenos podataka, bezbednost i energetska efikasnost internet stvari (Internet of things) rešenja zasnovanih na tehnologiji bežičnih senzorskih mreža (Data transmission, security and energy efficiency of Internet of things solutions based on the technology of wireless sensor networks), doctoral dissertation, April, 2021 (M 70)