Petar Bojović, PhD

Academic career
- PhD – 2019, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Computer Engineering and Computer Communications
- MSc – 2008, School of Computing, Belgrade, Computer Networks
- BSc – 2007, School of Computing, Belgrade, Computer Networks and Communications
- He worked on research in the field of application of software-defined networks and on a project in the field of security, i.e. protection against DDoS attacks.
- He has professional certificates: CCNA, CCNP, MTCNA, MTCRE.
Scientific and professional production
1. P. D. Bojović, I. Bašičević, S. Očovaj, M. Popović, “A practical approach to detection of distributed denial-of-service attacks using a hybrid detection method”, Computers & Electrical Engineering. 73. 84-96. Januar 2019, DOI 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.11.004.
2. P. D. Bojović, Ž. Bojović, D. Bajić, V. Šenk, “IP Session continuity in heterogeneous mobile networks using Software Defined Networking”, Journal of Communications and Networks 19(6):563-568, December 2017. DOI 10.1109/JCN.2017.000096
3. Ž. Bojović, P. D. Bojović, J. Šuh, „The implementation of Software Defined Networking in enterprise networks“, The ITP Journal, March 2018
4. Ž. Bojović, V. Šenk, D. Dobrimirov, P. Bojović, „Intervendor working of voip networks“, The ITP Journal, ISSN 1477-4739, Volume 5, Part 3, 2011
5. Bojović D. P., Bojovic Z., Šuh J., Gavrić N., “Design of SDN manageable switch”, BalcanCom 2019, June 2019
6. Gain S., Bojović P., “Monitoring, analyzing and cleaning DNS configuration errors”, across European NRENs, TERENA Networking Conference 2013, Maastricht, Netherlands, June 2013
7. Bojović P., “Primena elektronskih ličnih karata u Web okruženju”(Application of electronic identity cards in the Web environment), Međunarodni naučno-stručni skup INFORMACIONA BEZBEDNOST 2012, Društvo za Informacionu bezbednost Srbije, Beograd, Srbija, 3 Juli 2012, ISBN 978-86-89251-00-5
8. P. Bojović, Ž. Bojović, V. Šenk, Method of providing seamless communication in heterogenous mobile networks; Postupak obezbeđivanja neprekidne komunikacione sesije u heterogenim mobilnim mrežama, Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu Republike Srbije, patent pod brojem P-2016/0585, Glasnik intelektualne svojine, br. 1/2018, 31.1.2018, pp.19⎯20
9. P. Bojović, Mikrotik dinamicki Quality of Service, Mikrotik User Meeting 2016, October 2016.