Snežana Popović, PhD

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2012, School of Computing, Information Management
- PhD – 2012, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Computing and Informatics
- MSc – 2007, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Belgrade, Management Information Systems
- BSc – 1986, Faculty of Organisation Sciences, Belgrade, Management Information Systems
- Certified lecturer and trainer – since 1999, CET, Belgrade
- Professional, engineering engagement is related to programming and designing information systems in the computer centres of several companies and in the Informatics Laboratory of the Boris Kidrič Institute
Scientific and professional production
1. Radenković M., Bogdanović Z., Popović S., Despotović-Zrakić M., Labus A., 2021. Utilization of Consumer Appliances in Smart Grid Services for Coordination with Renewable Energy Sources. In: García Márquez F.P., Lev B. (eds) Introduction to Internet of Things in Management Science and Operations Research. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 311. Springer, Cham.
2. Jezdović, I., Popović, S., Radenković, M., Labus, A. and Bogdanović, Z., 2021. A crowdsensing platform for real-time monitoring and analysis of noise pollution in smart cities. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, p.100588.
3. Bogdanović Z., Labus A., Radenković M., Popović S., Mitrović S., Despotović-Zrakić M., 2021. A Blockchain-Based Loyalty Program for a Smart City. In: Rocha Á., Adeli H., Dzemyda G., Moreira F., Ramalho Correia A.M. (eds) Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1367. Springer, Cham.
4. Labus, M., Despotović-Zrakić, M., Bogdanović, Z., Barać, D. and Popović, S., 2020. Adaptive e-business continuity management: Evidence from the financial sector. Computer Science and Information Systems, (00), pp.37-37.
5. Rodić‐Trmčić, B., Labus, A., Barać, D., Popović, S. and Radenković, B., 2018. Designing a course for smart healthcare engineering education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26(3), pp.484-499.
6. Jezdović, I., Popović, S., Radenković, M., Labus, A. and Bogdanović, Z., 2018. System for noise measurement in traffic in smart cities. Info M, 17(66), pp.12-19.
7. Bogdanović, Z., Barać, D., Jovanić, B., Popović, S. and Radenković, B., 2014. Evaluation of mobile assessment in a learning management system. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(2), pp.231-244.
8. Đokić, D., Jovanović, M., Popović, S., Šendelj, R., Maček, N., 2016. Raising Awareness of the Need for Safety of Information in Big Business Systems. In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 15th, 2016, pp. 88-93. ISBN 978-86-89755-10-7
9. Popovic, S., Njegus, A., Vulic, M., Djokic, D. and Mazinjanin, D., 2012. Service oriented framework for system interoperability modeling. Metalurgia international, 17(11), pp.171-178.
10. Popovic, S. and Lazic, L., 2009, September. Orthogonal Array and Virtualization as a Method for Configuration Testing Improvement. In 2009 First IEEE Eastern European Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (pp. 148-149). IEEE.