Dragana Sandić-Stanković, PhD

Academic career
- MSc – 1999, School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Digital Image Processing
- BSc – 1991, Military-Technical Faculty, Zagreb, Telecommunications
- She has been working at the Telecommunications Institute IRITEL in Belgrade since 1993.
Scientific and professional production
- D. Sandić-Stanković, „Poređenje morfoloških piramida za vizuelizaciju 3D nizova”(Comparison of morphological pyramids for 3D array visualization), ETRAN, 2009
- D. Sandić-Stanković, „Kreiranje transfer funkcije za volume rendering vizualizaciju“(Creating a transfer function for volume rendering visualisation), ETRAN, 2008
- D. Sandić-Stanković, „Interactive volume rendering visualization of 3D images“, ETRAN, 2007
- D. Sandić-Stanković, T. Gvozdenović, „Podrška ISDN servisa preko V5.2 interfejsa u sistemu DKTS“ (ISDN service support via the V5.2 interface in the DKTS system), ETRAN, 2005
- D. Sandić-Stanković, M. Jelisavčić, „V5.2 interfejs u pristupnom čvoru DKTS“(V5.2 interface in DKTS access node), ETRAN 2003
- D. Sandić-Stanković, „V5.2 interfejs u sistemu DKTS“ (V5.2 interface in the DKTS system), INFOTEH 2003
- D. Sandić, „The Efficiency of Pyramidal Algorithms for Image Representation using Morphological Filters“, IMACS/IEEE CSCC 99, Athens, Greece, Jul 1999
- D. Sandić, „Piramidalna dekompozicija slike morfološkim filtrima“(Pyramidal image decomposition with morphological filters), ETRAN, 1998
- D. Sandić, „Primena konačnih automata u realizaciji softvera komutacionog boka sistema DKTS 20/30“ (Application of finite state machines in the implementation of the software of the switching side of the DKTS 20/30 system), IT 1997
- D. Sandić, D. Milovanović, B. Reljin, „Efficiency of the image morphological pyramid decomposition“, IWISP96, Manchester, UK, pp. 285-288, November 1996