Danica Stojanović, MA

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2019, School of Computing, Belgrade
- PhD candidate– since 2019, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade
- MA – 2019, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade
- BA – 2017, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade
- Stjepan Fileki Award for the best work in field of lettering and calligraphy, 2017, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade
- Award for the best poster at the Student Poster Exhibition for the International Theatre Festival in Subotica, 2016
- Award for illustration at the competition for the exhibition “Evenstar Festival of Fantasy” in Belgrade, 2014
Scientific and professional production
- Exhibition of icons created at the summer workshop of icon painting, National Assembly, BG, 2009
- Exhibition of illustrations on the subject of etiquette, Belgrade Drama Theatre, 2012
- Exhibition of the works of FPU students in the Graphics course Kragujevac, 2015
- Exhibition of works Portrait, Belgrade Fortress Gallery, Stambol gate, Gornji grad, 2016
- 18th and 19th Biennials of Student Graphics, House of Culture, Student City, Belgrade, 2016 and 2018
- FESTUM 2016, Student Cultural Center, Belgrade, 2016
- International exhibition Art in miniature MajdanArt, Cultural Centre Majdanpek, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- X EX-YU graphics competition, Ulus Gallery, 2016
- XXIII Autumn Art Salon, Masuka Culture Center Gallery, Velika Plana, Serbia, 2016
- Small Graphics Exhibition, Grafički kolektiv Gallery, Belgrade, 2016, 2017, 2018
- Rochester Contemporary Art: 6x6x2017: 6x6x2017, Rochester, New York, 2017
- 49th Golden feather of Belgrade, Progres gallery, Belgrade 2017
- Graduation exhibition Diploma, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade 2017
- BRIDGES artist’s book, Cvijeta Zuzorić Art Pavilion, Belgrade, 2018
- PORTRAITS, Exhibition of works by students of the Faculty of Applied Arts, DKSG Gallery, Belgrade, 2018
- BookILL fest, Book Illustration Festival, Banat Cultural Center, 2018, 2019
- 50th Golden feather of Belgrade, Gallery of Kneginja Ljubica, Belgrade 2019
- SBUK2, Book Art Biennale, DKSG Gallery, 2020
- Cover design for the book Colors of Life by Dušan Čolović, 2015
- Design of the cover of the book Torn from Eternity by Dušan Čolović, 2016
- Design of the cover of Dušan Čolović’s Plows of Memory book, 2018.
- Published the illustration in Zabavnik magazine, number 3350, 2016
- Cover design for Dušan Čolović’s book Dreams of the Soul, 2019
1) Stojanović D, Uticaj japanske kaligrafije na modu (The influence of Japanese calligraphy on fashion), Tekstilna industrija magazine, pp. 18 – 31, Belgrade, 2018
2) Paunović M, Maksimović N, Stojanović D, Design and tehnology in thefashion product function, II International scientific conference, CONTEMPORARY TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY – Union of Engineering and Technicians of Serbia, Collection of works pp. 16-17, 2018, Belgrade
3) Paunović D, Stojanović O, Savić M, Stojanović D, Strategija razvoja moćnih proizvoda korišćenjem 3D tehnologije za konstrukciju i dizajn (A strategy for developing powerful products using 3D technology for construction and design), KNOWLEDGE International Journal Vol. 31, 2019, Skopje, Macedonia
4) Paunović D, Stojanović D, Maksimović N, Ilić L, Projektovanje kvaliteta pri razvoju novog proizvoda u modnoj industriji (Quality design in the development of a new product in the fashion industry), XXVI International conference on quality, 2019, Sutomore, Montenegro