Bojana Ćuk, MA

Academic career
- MA – 2012, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Language, Literature, Culture
- BA – 2011, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, English Language and Literature
- She has taught at all levels of conversation, including Business English at the National Bank of Serbia.
- She prepared and trained students for interviews at the US Embassy within the Work and Travel program and gained valuable experience while working with people with special needs.
- She had the opportunity to work as a classroom teacher and a newsletter writer in a multicultural and multilingual environment.
- She is a member of ELTA (English Language Teachers’ Association) and regularly attends seminars and conferences that contribute to her professional development.
Scientific and professional production
Conferences and seminars
- 19 th ELTA Conference, “Curiosity is the engine of achievement”, 2021
- 18 th ELTA Conference, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, 2020
- 17 th ELTA Conference, “No English Teacher is an Island”, Belgrade, May, 2019
- The English Book Day Conference; Cambridge Day Serbia, Belgrade, 2019
- Workbook for English 1 / 2, The English Language 1 / 2, The English Language 3 / 4, School of Computing
- 16 th ELTA Conference, “New Trends: Teacher’s Guide Through ELT Galaxy, Belgrade, 2018
- 13 th ELTA Conference, “A Taste of 21 st Century Teaching”, Belgrade, 2015
- “Korišćenje novih tehnologija u obrazovanju (Using new technologies in education)”, Belgrade, 2015
- 12 th ELTA Conference, “Back to the Future”, Belgrade, 2014
- Theme-Based Instruction in Teaching English, workshop, Belgrade, 2014
- 10th ELTA Conference, “Teaching Outside the Box”, workshop, Belgrade, 2012
- “Benefits of sharing learning objectives with students (CFP-003)”, workshop, Instituto Cervantes, Belgrade, 2013
- Special Educational Needs Conference: Challenges and Solutions, Belgrade, 2013
- Workbook for children with special needs, Belgrade
- Writing and editing monthly newspapers, Prima International School, Belgrade
- Creativity in the English Language Classroom through Additional Activities, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade