Milan Tomić, MSc

Academic career
- PhD student – School of Computing, Belgrade
- MSc – 2016, School of Computing, Intelligent Systems
- BSc – 2013, School of Computing, Informatics
- He works as an assistant for the following subjects – Theory of Algorithms, Automata and Languages, Genetic Algorithms, Scripting Languages, Intelligent Systems, Object-Oriented Programming and Introduction to Programming.
Scientific and professional production
1. Šaletić, D. Z., M. Tomić, O optimiziranju neuralnih mreža korišćenjem genetskih algoritama (On optimizing neural networks using genetic algorithms), YUINFO 2013, Kopaonik, 3-6 March 2013, ISBN 978-86-85525-11-7, pp. 588-594, (
2. Šaletić, D. Z., M. Tomić, Jedan sistem mekog računarstva – neuralna mreža obučavana genetskim algoritmom (One system of soft computing – a neural network trained by a genetic algorithm), Proceedings 16. DQM international conference, ICDQM-2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 27-28 June, 2013. Quality and reliability research centre, Prijevor, ISBN 978-86-86355-14-0 COBISS.SR.ID 199082764, pp.47-55
3. Ivanović A., Tomić M., Vujošević D., Using the MapReduce to improve query-response in a survey platform, ICDSST 2015 Proceedings – The 1st International Conference on Decision Support Systems Technologies, An EWG-DSS Conference, Theme: Big Data Analytics for Decision-Making (B. Delibašić, F. Dargam, P. Zaraté , J.E. Hernández, S. Liu, R. Ribeiro, I. Linden, J. Papathanasiou (editors)), ISBN 978-86-7680-313-2, 2015