Nevena Ranković, PhD

Academic career
- PhD – 2022, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
- MSc – 2018, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Software Engineering
- BSc – 2015, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Information Technology
- Master studies – 2015–2016, University of Stuttgart, Technical Faculty, Software Engineering
- Junior Software Engineer – Daimler, Mercedes-Benz, Sindelfingen, Stuttgart, Germany
- Teaching associate and assistant – 2018–2019, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Novi Sad, Computer Science
- She is also employed at Software AG in Berlin, Germany, at the Alphabet Center, as an architect of software solutions and transformations.
- She is a researcher on the internal project of the School of Computing, entitled: “Application of artificial intelligence in software engineering”.
- She is the author/co-author of 19 scientific papers, 7 of which were published in reputable international journals and several at international conferences.
Scientific and professional production
1. I. Lukic, N. Savic, M. Simic, N. Rankovic, D. Rankovic, and Lj. Lazic. „Risk Assessment and Determination of Factors That Cause the Development of Hyperinsulinemia in School-Age Adolescents“, Medicina 58, 2022, no. 1: 9. (IF = 2.430, M22).
2. N. Rankovic, D. Rankovic, M. Ivanovic and L. Lazic, “A New Approach to Software Effort Estimation Using Different Artificial Neural Network Architectures and Taguchi Orthogonal Arrays,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 26926-26936, 2021, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3057807. (IF = 3.75, M21).
3. D. Rankovic, N. Rankovic, M. Ivanovic and L. Lazic, “Convergence rate of Artificial Neural Networks in software development projects”, Information and Software Technology Journal, Volume 138, October 2021, (IF =2.72, M21)
4. N. Rankovic, D. Rankovic, M. Ivanovic and L. Lazic, „Improved effort and cost estimation model using Artificial Neural Networks and Taguchi method with different activation functions“, in Entropy 2021, 23(7), 854; (IF 2.494, M22)
5. N. Rankovic, D. Rankovic, M. Ivanovic and L. Lazic, „Artificial Neural Network Architecture and Orthogonal Arrays in Estimation of Software Project Efforts“, 2021 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE SMC Society, August 25-27, Kocaeli, Turkey.
*Best paper award
6. N. Rankovic,D. Rankovic,M. Ivanovic, & L. Lazic, “COSMIC FP method in software development estimation using Artificial Neural Networks based on Orthogonal Arrays”. Connection Science, 2021, doi: (M23)
7. N. Rankovic,D. Rankovic,M. Ivanovic, & L. Lazic“A Novel UCP Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Orthogonal Arrays”. Applied. Sciences. 2021, 11, 8799., (M22).
8. N. Ranković, T. Radmanović, D. Ranković, M. Bjelica, “Visualization tools for large amount of data”, AIIT conference (Applied Internet and Information Technologies), 3-4.Oktobar, 2019. Tehnical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin.
9. T. Radmanović, N. Ranković, D. Radosav, D. Ranković, M. Bjelica, “Determining factors for enrollment at the Technical Faculty of Zrenjanin”, ITRO conference (Information technology and education development) 27. Jun, 2019. Tehnical facilty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin.
10. I. Lukić, N. Ranković, D. Ranković, „Procena rizika za nastanak dijabetesa tip 2 uslovljena navikama u ishrani kod adolescenata”, Medical Gazzete Čigota, 2019. Vol. 24, Iss. 73.
11. N. Ranković, M. Ivanović, M. Savić, E. Kajo Mece, A. Stoyanova-Doycheva, and D. Ranković. 2019, „Female students’ attitude towards studying informatics and expectations for future career – Balkan case“, In Proceedings of 9th Balkan Conference In Informatics (BCI’19). ACM 2019, New York, NY, USA, ISBN 978-1-4503-7193-3, pp. 16:1-16:7.
12. *Crystal price for the best paper/Certificate –This paper is awarded by International Programme Committee with the Crystal Award „THE BEST PAPER“. A. Klašnja-Milićević, N. Ranković and M. Ivanović, „NTEGRATION OF „BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE“ COURSE TO MASTER ACADEMIC STUDIES IN INFORMATICS“, 20-th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech’19, 21-22 June 2019, University of Ruse, Bulgaria, ACM Proceedings ISBN 978-1-4503-7149-0, pp. 308-315,
13. N. Rankovic, M. Ivanovic, „Risk Analysis Tools for Managing Software Projects“, 7th Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications SQAMIA 2018 Novi Sad, Serbia, 27-30.08.2018, ISBN: 978-86-7031- 473-3
14. I. Lukic, D. Rankovic, N. Rankovic, „The Presence of Internet Addiction in Secondary School Students“, (p.33) Journal: „Health Care“ Chamber of Health Institutions of Serbia, Belgrade, number 4, December, 2017. YU ISSN 0350-3208.