Petar Prvulović, MSc

Academic career
PhD student
MSc – 2017, School of Computing, Belgrade
BSc – 2012, School of Computing, Belgrade
Lecturer – since 2010, CET computer school, Programming and database courses Computer Science Teacher – 2011–2013, Palanacka gimnazija (grammar school)
Demonstrator – 2011–2017, School of Computing, Cryptography, Parallel Algorithms, Scripting Languages, Human-Computer Interaction, Web Programming, Design and Development of Web Applications.
Assistant – 2017–2020, Academy Dositej, Databases, Algorithms, Web Programming
Assistant – since 2020, School of Computing, Script Languages, Web programming, Computer architecture, Internet of Things
He developed the websites and services of the School of Computing, High School of Computing and the CET School of Computers, 2011–2015.
He designed and implemented a set of software solutions and services for the needs of the Judicial Academy, 2014–2017.
External associate of the National Museum in Smederevska Palanka since 2018
Since 2018, he has been the chief software designer at the startup project of the register of international business disputes
Since 2019, he has been the chief software designer at, a startup project developing tools for the electrical installation industry.
International relations coordinator since 2023.
Union University international relations coordinator since 2024.
Scientific and professional production
- Povećanje upotrebljivosti analitičkog rešenja u vidu eksponiranja Najm modela kao RESTful servisa, P.Prvulović, D.Vujošević, e-RAF Journal on Computing (e-RAF JoC), Vol.9, 2017
- Pregled “lakih” blok-šifarskih algoritama zasnovanih na SPN mreži sa aspekta bezbednosti bežičnih senzorskih mreža, P. Prvulović, N. Radosavljević, Đ. Babić, 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, Mar. 2021
- Analysis of lightweight cryptographic protocols in precision agriculture – A case study, P.Prvulović, N.Radosavljević, Đ.Babić, 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications TELSIKS, 2021
- An overview of lightweight block cipher algorithms based on SPN network from the aspect of security of wireless sensor networks, P.Prvulović, N. Radosavljević, Đ. Babić, Journal of Mechatronics, Automation and Identification Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp 1-4, 2021
- An Efficient Method for a Specific Case of Detecting Impulse Noise on Scanned Documents, P.Prvulović, J.Vasiljević and D.Nagamalai, 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications (CMLA 2021), 2021. DOI: 10.5121/csit.2021.111514
- Traffic Analysis of A3 Topology Construction Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, N. Radosavljević, P. Prvulović, D. Vujošević and A. Gavrić, 2022 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INFOTEH53737.2022.
9751272. - A Neural Network model for success estimation of software development projects based on multidimensional risk assessment”, M. Knežević, P.Prvulović, V. Ognjanović, 12th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies (AIIT 2022), 2022
- N-Gram-Based Serbian Text Classification”, P. Prvulović, N.Radosavljević, D. Vujošević, J. Vasiljević, 4th International Conference on Machine Learning Techniques and NLP, 2023, DOI: 10.5121/csit.2023.131613
Book translations
- DevOps alati za Java programere – Stephen Chin, Melissa McKay, Ixchel Ruiz i Baruch Sadogursky (DevOps Tools for Java Developers: Best Practices from Source Code to Production Containers), O’Reilly
- TypeScript programiranje – unapredite vaše JavaScript aplikacije – Boris Cherny (Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale, O’Reilly
- Profesionalni JavaScript – Hugo Di Francesco, Siyuan Gao, Vinicius Isola, Philip Kirkbride (Professional JavaScript: Fast-track your web development career using the powerful features of advanced JavaScript), Packt