Marina Ilić, PhD

Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2019, School of Computing, Belgrade, Graphic Media Design
- PhD – 2019, University of Arts, Belgrade, Digital Art
- Bachelor’s degree – 2008, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac, Graphic Design
- Gold medal at the Regional Centre for Talents in Arts, 2001
- Award for the best students, Kragujevac University, 2007/2008
- Eurobank EFG Award for the 100 best students of the final years of 2007/08
- Scholarship from the city of Kragujevac, Dragoslav Srejović fund from 2004 to 2008
- She is an associate at the Bulb Creation studio from Belgrade.
- She participated in a calligraphy course within the art association Bulevar Umetnosti (2010 and 2011) and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Italy, 2019.
Scientific and professional production
1. Immersed, multimedia happening, Neon Gallery, Belgrade, 2019
2. Trijenale proširenih medija (Extended Media Triennial), Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzorić, Belgrade, 2019
3. Collection Perspective, fashion week, New York, 2017
4. Fashionelections, multimedia happening, ZMUC, Zemun, 2012
5. Dizajn logotipa i vizuelnog identiteta firme Wp Vetriebs Gmbh (Design of the logo and visual identity of the company Wp Vetriebs Gmbh), Vienna, Austria, 2012
6. Lady’s night, Mixer festival, Belgrade, 2012
7. Razvoj Venere (Development of Venus), performance, Dom omladine Kragujevac, 2011
8. Dizajn logotipa i vizuelnog identiteta firme Swissbusinesscab (Logo design and visual identity of Swissbusinesscab), Zurich, Switzerland, 2011
9. 5th International Triennal of stage poster Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007
10. Poster/Callygraphy/Tupeface, Izložba grafičkog dizajna (graphic design exhibition), Poznan, Poland, 2007