Miloš Milosavljević, MSc

Academic title: Professors of Applied studies
Born: 30/1/1964
Employed from: 1/10/2019
Email: [email protected]
Academic career
- Elected to the title – 2019, School of Computing, Information technology, Programming, Databases
- MSc – 2010, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Belgrade, Electrical Business
- Bsc – 1992, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Scientific and professional production
1.Danka V. Pevac, Miloš M. Milosavljević, Katarina S. Milanović – IEEE Eurocon 2005, „E-learning Method Implementation in the High School Vocational Education“. Print ISBN: 1-4244-0049-X
2.Milentijević, D.; Milosavljević, M.Miloš: „Dizajniranje e-learning resursa u okruženju autorizovanog sistema za učenje na daljinu“(Designing e-learning resources in the environment of an authorised distance learning system), YU INFO XIV Symposium on computer science and information technologies, Kopaonik, 9-12 March, 2008
3.Journal, Info M“, 2009 . vol 29, Miloš M. Milosavljević – „Mobile devices and distributed information systems“.
4.Katarina S. Milanović, Miloš M. Milosavljević, Dušan Vučković, Dragan Janković – IEEE TELFOR 2011, „Videoconferencing in the complex e-learning scenario“, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-4577-1498-6
Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1499-3, 2 paper citations
5.Miloš M. Milosavljević, „Čuvanje podataka pomoću File Stream tehnologije“(Data storage using File Stream technology), Arhiv Info conference, Kladovo 2013
6.INFOTech 2014, Arandjelovac, Miloš M. Milosavljević, „SQL Server 2012 bezbednost“(SQL Server 2012 Security), ISBN broj: 978-86-82831-20-4 catalogued in the National Library of Serbia