Rosana Telarović

Academic career
- Elected to the title of associate professor – 2018, School of Computing, Belgrade, Interior Design
- Assistant Professor – 2013, School of Computing, Interior Architecture
- Bachelor’s degree – 2001, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade, Applied Arts and Design
- Interior and furniture designer – 2002–2004, Bošnjački Art Centre and Nika group d.o.o
- Since 2005, she has been working on creating numerous sets for RTS and Pink International Company.
- Assistant set designer – concerts, festivals, congresses at Sava Centar.
- In 2006 she founded a co-owned design and construction company, Studio Romb, where she works as a chief interior designer.
- In 2008 she opened her own design studio Cinober.
Scientific and professional production
- Reconstruction of residential into business premises. Conceptual and main design of the interior with supervision over the execution of works, Belgrade 2021
- Consultant on the interior project of the Belgrade Waterfront sales centre, Sales Centre, Tower A, Belgrade 2019
- Conceptual, main and executive project for the adaptation of a salon apartment. Belgrade 2018
- Concept design for the renovation of Hotel Bristol, Belgrade in 2016.
- Conceptual solution, main project and coordination of the execution of works for the assembly-dismantling facility of the cafe for Red Bull GmbH, Switzerland 2015
- Executive project, supervision and coordinator of the execution of works for the business premises of the company Microsoft Co. , Belgrade, Serbia, 2014
- Chief designer – scenographer for TV studio Al Jazeera Balkans, Belgrade and Zagreb 2013/14
- Conceptual solution, associate on the main project and supervision of the execution of works for OSCE, office space, Belgrade, 2013.
- Lead designer and designer on the conceptual and main project – interior of the sports complex Stade de Franceville, Gabon, Africa,
- Conceptual solution and supervision of works for Procter&Gamble d.o.o., business premises, Belgrade, 2012.
- Project manager for the main project and supervision of the execution of works for Ernst&Young d.o.o., business premises, Belgrade, 2012.
- Lead designer and designer on the conceptual and main project – interior of the Olympic Village complex, Gabon, Africa, 2011.