Anja Pleskonjić odbranila je master rad na programu MCF na temu „Valuation of Startups“

Studentkinja Anja Pleskonjić je u sredu, 18. septembra 2024. godine odbranila svoj master rad na temu Valuation of Startups pred mentorom dr Brankom Uroševićem i članovima komisije dr Milanom Nedeljkovićem i dr Vladimirom Vasićem.

U uvodu svog rada Anja je istakla:

Startup represents a new business idea by an entrepreneur who is aiming to transform  an idea (project) into a viable commercial activity. Originative startups are defined with  tremendous growth potential which implicates enough liquidity in the early years of life to  portion of finance development against collateralizable assets. This is unappealing for  traditional banks which are very often restored by venture capital or private equity funds.  These intermediaries diversified portfolio is grounded on the strategy of a multi-year exit  with substantial expected increases in value from investments.

Generally, the valuation methods mentioned in this paper are based on a company’s  financial metrics and assets. 

Although, there are several valuation methodologies of valuation study Venture  Capitalists factor into investment decisions that are attained from company financial  statements and projections or a thorough understanding of the business and market. These  elements are supposed to be derived within a company’s valuation as derived using the  methodologies above, but they can be difficult to predict and quantify. The recommendation  is that companies layer these considerations on top of any quantitative valuation analysis  they perform. – zaključila je Anja.