Оглас за посао – KhaoticEn D.o.o. and qVortex Technologies Inc.

QVortex is an international high-tech company founded by internationally recognized experts in data encryption, compression and security, cooperating for decades with multinational companies, government agencies and law enforcement authorities worldwide. QVortex is seeking skilled and enthusiastic people to join our team in Belgrade in the development of ultimately secure video, audio, file, screen and chat telecommunication application software for various telecommunication devices and telecommunication services, based on the integration of QVortex ultimately secure telecommunication technologies with existing client platforms or enhanced open source software.

2 Positions:

Multiplatform Secure Telecommunication Software Developer

Location: Kronštatska 5, Dedinje, Belgrade, Serbia

To apply, please e-mail your CV and brief motivation letter (both in English and in PDF format) with the subject: JOB.11.12.2014. until 28.12.2014. to: [email protected].

Ideal candidates should have the following skills:
• Appropriate education in electrical engineering, computer science or mathematics
• C/C++ and Java programming
• Parallel programming and software optimization
• Software integration, customization and testing.Additionally, experience in the following will be advantageous:
• Multiplatform programming (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, etc.)
• Web programming including HTML5
• Implementation-level knowledge of network protocols (IP, TCP, Ethernet, etc.).
• iOS application design and programming skills (Objective-C, iOS SDK experience, Xcode environment)
• Android application design and programming skills (AndroidSDK experience)

• Full time job and competitive salary, paid vacation, performance based bonuses
• Relaxed working environment
• Professional learning and ability for certification with references in good projects
• Team work and good organizational behavior
• Knowledgeable and reliable management
• Career opportunities

QVortex encryption technology enables the development of an immense number of extremely fast and ultimately secure encryption, authentication, verification, RNG and key exchange protocol methods, with numerous advantages over the existing state-of-the-art encryption methods. QVortex compression technology provides ultimate image and video compression methods with exceptional, an order of magnitude higher, improvements in quality, speed and scalability, in comparison with state-of-the-art compression methods. QVortex client identification technology covers iris and face detection and recognition, providing the highest mean classification accuracy of almost 100% for iris and the highest mean classification accuracy of more than 99% for faces.
