Fully-funded PhD studentships
School of Computer Science
University of Nottingham

Applications are invited from International students only for a number of fully-funded PhD studentships in the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, starting on 1st October 2020.
The topics for the studentships are open, but should relate to the interests of one of the School’s research groups: Agents Lab; Computational Optimisation and Learning Lab; Computer Vision Lab; Functional Programming; Intelligent Modelling and Analysis; Mixed Reality Lab; Data Driven Algorithms, Systems and Design and Uncertainty in Data and Decision Making
The studentships are for three and a half years and include a stipend of (minimum) £15,009 per year and tuition fees.
Applicants are normally expected to have a first-class Masters or Bachelors degree in Computer Science or a related discipline, and must obtain the support of a potential supervisor in the School prior to submitting their application. Initial contact with supervisors should be made at least two weeks prior to the closing date for applications.
Successful applicants are expected to apply for the International VC Scholarships.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Kathleen.Fennemore [@] nottingham.ac.uk.
To apply, please submit the following items by email to: Marc.Williams [@] nottingham.ac.uk:
(1) a copy of your CV, including your actual or expected degree class(es), and results of all University examinations;
(2) an example of your technical writing, such as a project report or dissertation;
(3) contact details for two academic referees.
(4) a research proposal – max 2 x sides A4
You may also include a covering letter but this is optional
Closing date for applications: Friday 17 January 2020
NB: Recruitment for Home/EU applicants will be open in January 2020 {/xa}