Na Računarskom fakultetu prof. dr Kristina Vušković počinje sa serijom predavanja za doktorske studije pod nazivom „Teorija grafova“. Kurs počinje 8. februara 2010. godine od 11 – 13 časova. Kurs će biti na engleskom jeziku i predstavljaće uvod u teoriju grafova. Biće besplatan i dostupan svim zaintersovanim slušaocima, koji se mogu prijaviti na e-mail:
Opis kursa
Doctoral Course in Graph Theory
Instructor: dr Kristina Vusković, Računarski fakultet
Course Title: Graph Theory
Course Description:
This is an introductory course in graph theory. No prior knowledge of graph theory is necessary. The course will cover all the basic concepts and results in the field, such as: Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, spanning trees (Cayley’s Formula), matchings (Hall’s Theorem, Konig’s Theorem), connectivity (Menger’s Theorem), vertex colorings (Brook’s Theorem), edge colorings (Vizing’s Theorem) and planar graphs (Kuratowski’s Theorem).
In order to better absorb the material and to become accustomed to writing graph theoretic proofs, throughout the course I will be assigning homework problems which will be graded. In addition there will be a final exam.
Douglas West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001.
J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty, Graph Theory, Springer, 2008