U ponedeljak 14. juna 2010. godine, sa početkom u 15 časova, u prostorijama Računarskog fakulteta (učionica broj 7) održaće se predavanje na temu „Analyzing Social Networks and Shaping On-line Communities“. Predavanje će održati Nataša Milić-Fryling, Principal Researcher – Director, Researsh Partnership Programme – Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK. Svi zainteresovani će imati priliku da se bolje upoznaju sa socijalnim mrežama, sa posebnim osvrtom na Twitter, Flicker, Facebook i slične mreže.
Title: Analyzing Social Networks and Shaping On-line Communities
This presentation will inform about the computer science research performed at the Microsoft Research Laboratory in Cambridge, UK and discuss research in social networks in more details. Among the major technology and societal shifts is the emergence of social media such as Twitter, Flicker, Facebook, etc., some including hundreds of millions of individuals who regularly engage in online interactions. One of the challenges is to characterize the user behaviour and develop adequate metrics to describe the ‘health’ of an online community. Our research shows that small changes in the design of features or the user interface can have a significant impact on the community development. Similarly, the metrics devised to characterize individuals’ and community behaviour need to be robust and resistant to misuse. We explore mathematical models that can be used effectively in that vain. We will conclude with the discussion of tools and resources that Microsoft Research makes freely available to further research in computational sciences.
Presenter: Nataša Milić-Frayling, Director, Research Partnership Programme, Microsoft Research, Cambridge