Студенткиња Ана Чедић је у среду, 18. септембра 2024. године одбранила свој мастер рад на тему Electronic payment methods пред ментором др Бранком Урошевићем и члановима комисије др Миланом Недељковићем и др Владимиром Васићем.
У уводу свог рада Ана је истакла:
Digitalization represents a key factor in changing business models in the modern world. Its impact not only transforms the ways companies produce and offer services but also alters the forms and types of goods and services available to consumers. Significant growth in the development of new products and services and the emergence of new business models is noticeable. In contemporary conditions, information technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of business. From communication with employees and stakeholders, through making daily decisions and data archiving, to the implementation of complex business processes, information technology is an indispensable part of successful business operations.
The implementation of information systems (IS) in business operations is a key factor in the modern business environment. These systems enable more efficient management of data, processes, and activities within an organization, resulting in improved overall performance and market competitiveness. First, the implementation of IS contributes to the efficiency of processing and calculating large amounts of data and information. With the help of IS, companies can quickly and accurately analyze data, allowing them to make informed business decisions. Second, IS enables efficient and easy communication within the organization. Employees can quickly exchange information and coordinate their activities through various communication software tools, leading to better collaboration and faster problem resolution. Third, IS allows companies to efficiently manage large databases, including their preservation, storage, and management. This is essential for organizations dealing with large amounts of data, as IS provides the ability to organize and access this data whenever needed easily. Fourth, IS helps increase the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources. Human resource management software automates routine tasks, such as payroll processing and employee record-keeping, freeing up employees to focus on creative and innovative tasks. Additionally, the implementation of IS fosters innovation and creativity within the organization. By using advanced technologies and tools, companies can develop new products and services that meet market needs, thereby gaining a competitive advantage. Moreover, innovations in technology and communications enable companies to operate globally like never before. With the rapid exchange of information via the Internet, business transactions can be completed in just a few minutes, speeding up processes and increasing business efficiency. – закључила је Ана.
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